Unity of Savannah
Center for Spiritual Awakening

Annual Membership Meeting

This year’s meeting is being held online using Zoom on Sunday, January 31, at Noon, immediately following our Sunday Live-Stream Service.

The Unity of Savannah Annual Membership Meeting is an opportunity to hear reports on the accomplishments of our spiritual community and the vision for the coming year. Included are reports from the Minister, Board President and Treasurer. There is also plenty of time for you to ask questions and share your ideas and suggestions for the growth of our New Thought community!



You can also join using your phone
Phone number: 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 824 0268 3006
Passcode: 883675

Everyone is welcome to attend; however, only active members may vote. We are voting to confirm new positions on the Unity of Savannah Board of Trustees.


  1. Opening Prayer – Rev. Dale Worley, Minister
  2. Approval of Meeting Agenda – Linda Morgan, Board President
  3. Welcome / President’s Report – Linda Morgan, Board President
  4. Financial Report – Tammy Stokes, Treasurer and Ruth Murphy, Bookkeeper (Documents will be provided thru online links)
  5. Minister’s Report – Rev. Dale Worley
  6. Youth and Family Report – Iris McCraw, Youth Director
  7. Board Elections – Linda Morgan, Board President
    • Recognition of Henry Cherry, outgoing Board Member
    • Reading from Bylaws, Section 10, A & D
    • Introduction of Board Candidates
    • Motion to accept the candidates presented
    • Voting
  8. Selection of 2021 Nominating Committee Members (two) – Board President
  9. Questions and Comments from the Membership
  10. Closing Prayer – Rev. Dale Worley, Minister