Unity of Savannah
Center for Spiritual Awakening

2021 Great Savannah Community Cleanup

A City-Wide Day of Service Hosted by Keep Savannah Beautiful

Unity of Savannah is working with Keep Savannah Beautiful and the City of Savannah to improve our neighborhood by picking up and collecting trash for a day. You are invited and welcome to join us in this effort.

All ages are welcome. The city is supplying the trash bags we’ll need. Please bring gloves if you have them.

Let’s agree to practice the appropriate measures to keep each other safe from Covid-19.

We’ll meet at Unity at 8:00 am and get ready to canvas our neighborhood beginning at 9:00 am. Work for as long or as little as you’d like. We are also inviting our neighbors to join us, so this is a great way to connect with our Sunset Park / Thunderbolt Community.

Please let us know your intention to participate by signing up at https://volunteersignup.org/8EDEC

Click here to learn more about Keep Savannah Beautiful.