Unity of Savannah
Center for Spiritual Awakening

Lessons in Truth

Use this link to join the online class on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm: https://zoom.us/j/415645154

“Lessons in Truth” by Harriet Emilie Cady is the core text on Unity teachings and one of the best representatives of New Thought philosophy.

Join Rev. Dale Worley online using Zoom each Thursday evening from 6:30-8:30 pm to study and discuss Unity ideas such as:

  • Our foundational Statement of Being
  • Using Denials and Affirmations
  • The meaning of Faith
  • Personality vs Individuality
  • How to find the Secret Place of the Most High

How to get the book

There are many different editions of this book. Be sure to get one that has “Bondage or Liberty, Which?” as the first chapter, not as the last chapter. You can also buy the “Complete Works of H. Emilie Cady” which contains “Lessons in Truth” as well as “How I Used Truth” and “God a Present Help”.

We move through the class at our own pace

This class will last for at least 12 sessions, maybe more. We will move through the book at our own pace and may spend more than one class session on a chapter.

A love offering is taken during each session. Anyone is welcome to join the discussion!

We talk to God—that is prayer; God talks to us—that is inspiration. We go apart to get still, that new life, new inspiration, new power of thought, new supply from the Fountainhead may flow in; and then we come forth to shed it on those around us, that they, too, may be lifted up. Inharmony cannot remain in any home where even one member of the family daily practices this hour of the presence of God, so surely does the renewed infilling of the heart by peace and harmony result in the continual outgoing of peace and harmony into the entire surroundings.

H. Emilie Cady