Unity of Savannah
Center for Spiritual Awakening

Metaphysical Bible Interpretation Class

This class is online using Zoom. Use this link on Thursday at 6:30 pm: https://zoom.us/j/412163685

Make sense out of the Bible

Do you enjoy hearing the stories of the Bible interpreted so that they have meaning for your life?

Metaphysical Bible interpretation is not an arcane or mysterious ability known only to philosophers and saints. It is a skill that anyone can learn. Find out how to make the Bible come alive and have meaning for your life in this 5 week class led by Rev. Dale Worley.

After learning and practicing the skills and tools to interpret Biblical stories, students will be invited to share a metaphysical interpretation of their own during the final class.

A love offering is received during each class if anyone desires to give, and this is not a requirement to attend. Everyone is welcome!!!

Required texts

These books are available for purchase in the Unity of Savannah bookstore. They are also in the public domain so you can access them online.

Metaphysical Bible Dictionary by Charles Fillmore.

Revealing Word by Charles Fillmore.

Thanks to Rev. Mark Hicks, founder of the Fillmore Fellowship, for the free online resource for Unity materials at www.truthunity.net.

The truth we teach is not new; neither do we claim special revelations nor discovery of new religious principles. Our purpose is to help and teach humankind to use and prove the eternal truth taught by the Master.

Unity Co-Founder Charles Fillmore