We practice affirmative prayer
Unity of Savannah uses affirmative prayer. We pray knowing that God is everywhere present, all the time, within you, and all around you. In fact, the Divine expresses as you. Everything God is, you are! All the Love, Power, Wisdom, Beauty, Joy and Abundance that you desire or require is already yours to name and to claim.
Our Prayer Team is available to pray with you
Sometimes we need help in claiming our Good. Our Prayer Team Members are dedicated spiritual practitioners trained in the art of affirmative prayer.
A Prayer Team Member is available and grateful to pray with you at every Sunday service. You can identify a Prayer Team Member by the stole they are wearing.
Send an email to prayerteam@unitysavannah.org to request an affirmative prayer.
I send out thoughts of love and peace and healing to the whole universe: to all trees and plants and growing things, to all beasts and birds and fishes, and to every man, woman and child on earth, without any distinction. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Try Silent Unity
The Silent Unity Prayer Ministry, located in Unity Village, Missouri, began with Unity co-founder Myrtle Fillmore. Silent Unity has held a continuous prayer vigil since the early 1900’s.
You can request prayer and learn more about Silent Unity at SilentUnity.org.
Get still and think about the inexhaustible resources of infinite Mind, its presence in all its fullness, and its constant readiness to manifest itself for you when its laws are complied with. This is what Jesus meant when He said, "Seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33). - from "The Revealing Word" by Unity co-founder Charles Fillmore