A Prayer for Abundant Justice and Love
As one in divine presence, we embrace our common humanity. We are held in the loving arms of Spirit, and we rise above fear to walk in love, faith, and peace.
We release any beliefs that divide us and turn to one another with understanding. Wisdom reveals the path to healing for our communities.
With unity of purpose, we create justice, equality, and peace for all people.
In the abundance of God, there is enough—enough love, enough peace, and enough freedom—for all to live together as one.
We hold this vision of healing and harmony for ourselves, our communities, and our world.
—Trayce Riley
Unity Prayer Ministry

Together we embrace our individuality. We celebrate our uniqueness with full acceptance of all people, including every expression of the Divine. We come together with love and compassion to be a light for all. We stand together in Unity.
Unity World Headquarters’ Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement
Unity’s Statement of Social Action Position

Webster defines the word “unity” as “the state of forming a complete and pleasing whole….” At this time in the evolution of the planet and the lives of human beings upon it, the task of “forming a complete and pleasing whole” is the imperative for positive evolution and harmonious existence for all.
This perspective has seemingly been lost—our wholeness, our oneness, our same-ness as a human race. We must now remember more than ever, that we have much more in common than that which divides us.
The Unity movement stands for and will tirelessly work for harmony so all people may know the freedom of peaceful expression; so they may know their own inner worth and essential contribution to the whole of life.
- Where there are divisions of opinions, beliefs and perspectives, Unity embraces curiosity, exploration and expanded awareness of the gifts of diversity.
- Where there is fear of “the other,” Unity stands for inclusivity and peaceful acceptance of another’s right to create the life of his or her choosing.
- Where there is oppression and hatred, we stand for justice and understanding, and for extending compassion, kindness and forgiveness to restore balance.
- Where there is discrimination, we stand for inclusivity and equality. We pledge to be an advocate for the wellbeing, respect and civil freedom of every human being.
Any proposal or action that seeks to discriminate against individuals or classes of individuals based on prejudiced, stereotypic profiles of national origin, class, creed, race, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation or gender identity is in opposition to the core beliefs and values established by our founders.
We choose Unity. In harmony with the divine Spirit we stand, so we may live in a spiritually awakened world that is continually evolving.
This is our prayer and our decree. Through our actions, we let it be.
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels
Unity’s Diversity Statement

We recognize and honor the Divine within as the one common denominator that we share on our human journey.
The living heart of Unity understands and manifests its support of this Divinity by recognizing there is inherent good in all people. Unity Worldwide Ministries, its members and affiliates, welcome with love all people in every form of God’s creation, regardless of how that creation presents itself.
It is the intent that Unity organizations are inclusive and non-discriminatory. We honor all components that contribute to the diversity of community. We affirm and support Unity principles and programs that manifest diversity in our teachings, policies, buildings and within our communities.
We are resolute in walking the course of human rights and social justice for all.