Unity of Savannah
Center for Spiritual Awakening

Easter Sunrise Service

Celebrate the rising of your consciousness on Easter morning on Tybee Island’s North Beach at sunrise with a spiritual baptism offered by Rev. Dale Worley. We will meet on the boardwalk gazebo across from North Beach grill on Tybee for an opening circle and prayer, and then proceed together in silence to the shoreline. Everyone present is invited to take part in a spiritual baptism during which Rev. Dale will bless each person with a drop of anointing oil and a special prayer while standing in the healing waters of the ocean. We close with a prayer circle and a blessing for the waters, our planet and for all people.

Our regular Easter services at 9 and 11 am are held at the church on Sunset Boulevard. Our new Licensed Teacher Kyle Shiver is leading a metaphysical communion at both services, and a light brunch is served from 10 to 11 am. An Easter egg hunt is provided for the children after the second service. Click here for all the Easter events.